Monday, October 6, 2008

Finally, my own blog!!

While everyone is busy packing, now is my chance. I am still wondering why the brothers got blogs and I didn't! Any way here is what I have been up to. Mom is making me sleep in that creepy white cage, all alone. I guess she doesn't like bloody fat lips in the middle of the night. Or maybe its cause i pull Daddy's arm hair? I don't know but i don't like it one bit! I have figured out how to get what ever I want. I just "uh uh uh uh uh uh UH UH UH!!!" louder and louder while i point until someone gets me what I want! I also realized if i bring someone the backyardigans dvd case they will put it in. I love jamming out to all the songs! Especially SURF's UP! Grover and Elmo go everywhere with me. They are my best buds! Groba's nose fits perfectly in my mouth so i can easily carry him and elmo and still have one had free! I am really into trains just like my big bro Harland. I especially love which ever one he is trying to play with. Don't worry, i just scream and grab it out of his hands! Then its mine! My favorite foods are, anything with tofu and or beans! I always eat with two spoons because it is way cooler than just one. The best days are when I wake up and that container with the black cover is on the counter because that is where the muffins are! pumpkin are my favorite but lets face it all muffins are good muffins! For fun i like to go hiking on mom or dad or forrest's back. You can steer them with just a simple pull of those little hairs on the back of their necks! Ok mom's calling, darn its nap time. Indigo-OUT